Local Rastro Calpe

Local Rastro Calpe

Avenida Pais Valenciá, Calpe

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This local rastro Calpe, better known as flea market is each Wednesday of the week. It is very popular and you can find it just outside of the town in the Avenida Valencia. This is in the direction of the salt lakes. You will find a lot of cheap deals on this market.


A flea market where collectionists can find their treasure between old antiques and books. As well as old furniture pieces in addition to records and second-hand clothing or shoes. Furthermore, you can find sellers that offer unique decoration articles and tools. Next to lots of articles from other parts of Europe that can also be found here.

How to get to the local rastro Calpe by public transport

The tram-via stops outside town, at about one kilometre away. From there on the city bus will take you to the central bus station of Calpe. The interlocal bus that drives between Benidorm and Denia will drop you off at the same bus station. You will find the flea market about half a kilometre further down the road.

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