Local Market Torrevieja

Local Market Torrevieja

Avenida Delfina Viudes, Torrevieja

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This weekly local market in Torrevieja can, since March 2017, be visited on the premises on Avenida Delfina Viudes. It has a total of 80,000 square meters and due to the new safety regulations there are a total of 125 stalls. It is obligated to wear a mask while visiting this market and hand gel is available at the entrance. Sign posts with information and rules are visible at the entrance.


When coming by car take the N-332 crossing through Torrevieja, and exit at the waterpark. There are different car parks that surround the market area, although it can be a challenge to leave at the time when the market is over and everyone wants to leave.


How to get to the local market in Torrevieja by public transport

If you come by public transport, there is bus line H that stops at the market with an interval of about 30 minutes. And a taxi stand is on the north side of the area in the Avenida Monge and Bielsa.

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