Local Market Finestrat

Local Market Finestrat

Carrer l'Hort, Finestrat, España

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You can visit the local market in Finestrat every Friday of the week. It is a fairly small market in the historic centre of the old town, the Carrer l´Hort. It mainly offers fruits and vegetables and some stalls with textile products.


The easiest way to get to this local market in Finestrat is to come by bus or car, as the tram-via has no stop nearby and there is more than enough parking space available around the market.


How to get to local market Finestrat by Public Transport

You can use the station of Centro Comercial La Marina when you decide to use the tram-via. As explained before this is still a reasonable distance away from the village centre. Bus line 15 stops at the shopping centre and will take you to the town. If you come from the town centre of Benidorm have in mind you must use bus line 14.

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