Car rental in Alfaz del PI

Car rental in Alfaz del PI

Car Rentals / Leis / Scooters for rent / Vehicle

Avenida de l'Albir, 166, Alfaz del Pi

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Fine Rent A Car in Albir, Alfaz del Pi

Rent your car, motorcycle, or E-bike from us in Albir, Alfaz del Pi

Besides our branch in Albir, you can also rent your car from us in Altea, El Campello, and at Elche Airport Alicante, if it suits you better.
You can, of course, decide where to pick up and deliver what you rent from us.

car hire in albir

Do you not speak Spanish?

Relax. We speak English and Dutch in the rental shop, and we can get ahold of a Norwegian colleague if needed. That way, we can guarantee you that your rent will be carefree and that you know all the important details.


Rent your vehicle here

We have E-bikes, mopeds, and motorcycles from 50cc to 400cc and everything from small cars to larger family cars.

Call us, stop by, or have a look at our website or our Facebook page to get a more detailed impression of us. If you have a special wish or need, that you do not find on the website, please contact us anyway. Most likely we have contacts who can meet your needs, and thus help you.


So, what are you waiting for?

Gather some friends or the family, get around, explore, discover, and have fun!

RentRe your E-bike, motorcycle, or car with us and enjoy your stay.




Rent a car with us and get around and enjoy your stay

car hire in albir

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