Dr Vidar Hjelset, Norwegian doctor

Dr Vidar Hjelset, Norwegian doctor

Doctors / Health

Centro Commercial MONVER, Albir

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Norwegian doctor in the center of Albir.

Dr. Vidar Hjelset and Juliette welcome you to medical treatment with enough time and personal follow-up, at the area’s only Norwegian medical office.

In July 2020 we moved to a new location, next to Mercadona in Albir. Please use the instructions in this ad. That will bring you to our doorstep.@

Please note that it is possible to make an appointment outside of normal business hours.

Norwegians in need of a sick leave record or a medical certificate can only settle this in our office, in this area.

With more than 30 years of experience as a GP, 20 of them here in Costa Blanca, he knows many of the “traps” in the form of malpractice, which you will avoid.


Why choose Dr. Vidar Hjelset?

Vidar Hjelset is a general practitioner and your first-line service if something is not right.

Vidar is Norwegian but, speaks fluent Spanish and English.

If you still “have a foot in Norway” there are many more reasons. And if you are already under the “NAV umbrella” or need an Epic crisis with you back to Norway, it is very advisable to use Vidar.

dr vidar hjelset

Health believes that the health care system in Spain is very good

Back in 2015, NRK (the main Norwegian TV channel) had a series called “Edel Årgang”. During one of these episodes, Torkjell Berulfsen had a chat with Vidar about health care and being abroad.

Spain’s health care system is at the top of the world. If you need medical help, you are in very good hands here, especially if all the details come out right from the start. A Norwegian doctor who speaks fluent Spanish will provide you this.

See the interview here (only in Norwegian)

Skin cancer and Cataracts

Take precautions and prevent this as best you can.

If you feel the need for guidance, call us to book a consultation hour.

Unfortunately, due to the climate and the sun on Costa Blanca, many people do not protect themselves well enough, and perhaps unnecessarily, these diseases are contracted.

Vidar hjelset hudkreft

These are some examples of some of the most common skin cancer types. This is usually not dangerous but very annoying. Know your health to help you get rid of this if needed.



Your obvious Norwegian doctor on the Costa Blanca, Vidar Hjelset.

Dr Vidar Hjelset, Norsk lege i Albir

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