Local Market El Campello

Local Market El Campello

calle Alcalde Oncina Giner , El Campello

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This local market El Campello

is held on Wednesday from 8 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon. You can find this market in the village center near the town hall. In the calle Alcalde Oncina Giner to be exact, and it has about 50 stalls. They offer lots of fresh food articles and general products.


The town of El Campello is located north of Alicante. The AP-7 motorway and the national N-332, cross the municipality and because of that, it is easy to get to this market.


How to get there by public transport

El Campello forms part of the northern urban ring of Alicante. Therefore, public transport is well organized. We advise you to check the tram-via website for the tram schedule when you go visit this local market in El Campello. The intercity bus from Alicante to Valencia also stops in the town.[/vc_column_text]


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