Flea market Polop

Flea market Polop

Carrer Zeus, Polop de la Marina

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This flea market in Polop

is set up every Sunday from 8 till 14 hrs. You can visit this flea market and afterward also have a look at the local market of La Nucia. Because both are located just a few hundred meters apart, separated by the CV-70 national road. The flea market of Polop is in the industrial area Pla de Polop.


The market of La Nucia offers lots of new products and fresh foods as do most markets. However, the flea market Polop is a real mix of people offering their second-hand bargains such as clothes and shoes. As well as electronics and decorations or furniture.


You can spend the entire Sunday morning on both markets as they offer more than 400 stalls in total. 


We advise you to use your car when you plan on visiting these markets. There is no tram-via station nearby and the ALSA bus between La Nucia and Benidorm only stops every other hour on the CV-70.


There is more than enough parking space on the CV-70 national road between the markets available.



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