Gestorias/gestor / Accountants / Lawyers / Services
Carrer Maravall 31, Lc.3, Benidorm
Today's opening hours:
The philosophy of Gesstar Gestoria is none other than to offer the best coverage and assistance to our customers both regional and national. Because of our location, our Gestoria has many international clients. As a result, we specialize in foreign and vehicle topics. Furthermore, our Gestor services include a wide range of specialties such as:
We intend to provide daily information to our clients on the status of procedures or possible incidents. As your Gestor, we inform regular clients about the most important changes regarding their business or cases.
We are located centrally in the heart of the city center. Our staff has more than 27 years of experience and speaks Spanish, English, and Dutch.
All the services we provide and the tasks we execute are covered and guaranteed by a risk coverage insurance in case there is a possible deficiency in the service.
Depending on the urgency we guarantee a 24 to 48-hour maximum recollection of documents, carried out through our own staff or by messenger. In short, at Gesstar Gestoria we can provide the knowledge and service to solve whatever administrative problem you may have.
Feel free to contact us for more information using our contact form or send us an email at: [email protected]