Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela

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Camino de Santiago

Many people know the Pilgrimage of Santiago de Compostela better by its original Spanish name the “Camino de Santiago”. Other people might know it by its UNESCO name The routes of Santiago de Compostela. It originally is a network of pilgrims’ paths that all end at the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, in the northwest of Spain. According to tradition, they buried the remains of Saint James the Great in this Cathedral.

Lots of people follow the paths as a form to find spiritual enlightenment or personal growth. Besides that, it is also popular with enthusiast that like hiking and cycling. However, not many people are aware that there are multiple paths from different locations that lead to Santiago. As a matter of fact, a number of these paths start in towns in Costa Blanca.

Marina Baixa – Central Path

The central path of the Southeast Road starts from Benidorm, Villajoyosa, El Campello, Altea or Alfaz del Pí. It leads through Finestrat, Orcheta and Relleu. After that, it continues to the towns of Torremanzanas, Ibi, Onil, Biar and Villena.

Investigators discovered in 2015 that a part of this path coincided with the Cami del Peix, an ancient road used in Roman times to transport fish and fabrics to and from Alcoy.

pilgrimage santiago de compostela

It goes for a total of 95 kilometers through different mountain ranges of the area. It starts at sea level and exceeds 1000 meters of altitude 3 times in this part of the path.


camino de santiago

In total there are three stages of the Southeast road in the province of Alicante. The last stage is the one from Villena to Yecla where the province of Alicante is left behind. Besides the start in the Marina Alta & Baja, it is also possible to start in Alicante and pass Novelda before arriving in Villena.

Marina Alta – North Path

pilgrimage to santiago de compostela camino de santiago

The start of the Camino de Santiago de Compostela from the Marina Alta starts in Denia, Jávea or Calpe and joins in Almansa with the road that goes up from Albacete. It is marked at the exit of the town next to the road from Dénia to Ondara.

Only in recent years, the association Friends of the Camino de Santiago from Dénia started promoting this part of the path that already existed in the first year of pilgrimage.

South Path

The South path originally begins in Pilar de la Horadada. From here it passes through the towns of San Miguel de Salinas, Orihuela, Albatera and Elche. In Monforte del Cid, this path joins the main route of the Southeast Camino del Santiago, which has its official start in the Basilica of Santa Maria, in Alicante.

So, put on your hiking boots and start walking. If it is just a few kilometers over one of these paths or the entire length, it is up to you! Whatever you decide to, feel free to send us your impressions and pictures.

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