Moros y Cristianos Altea (Moors and Christians)

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A yearly big event

In Altea during the fourth weekend of the month of September, the yearly event patron saint festivities are celebrated. They honor the patron saint of the town the Santísimo Cristo del Sagrario. Together with those of Moors and Christians (Moros y Cristianos) in honor of San Blas.

Moors and cristians in Altea, costa blanca


The streets of Altea are brimming with light, color, and lots of music during the festivities. In their present form, they go back to 1979, but they have their origin many years before.

When Jaime I disembarked in the town he discovered it was the perfect location to defend the rest of the maritime territory. The traditional festivities remember the century-old struggle between Moors and Christians. Festivities in which there is no shortage of weapons, fireworks, and, of course, the traditional battle that recreates the Arab occupation and its subsequent reconquest.

The joint celebration of the patron saint festivities fills the streets with fun and joy. Together with that of the Moors and Christians with activities and events for adults and children. The program includes storytellers, children’s amusement parks, and games for children during the days.

Neighborhood festivities, fireworks, parades, and musical shows follow one another as well as religious acts. Floral offering to the Virgen del Consuelo, staging the arrival of the Christ in the village. Entrá de la Murtá (where aromatic branches, mainly myrtle, are scattered through the streets), or the thrilling procession that carries the Holy Christ of the Tabernacle, which usually starts with a solemn chanted mass and ends with an impressive fireworks display on the seafront promenade, these are the most talked-about performances.

Moorish and Cristian Parades

After the celebration day in honor of Christ, commemorations follow in honor of the patron saint of the town, San Blas, with two of the most emblematic moments. The Moorish and Christian entrances with imposing and colorful parades in which costumes and the representations will take the lead. The moment of the concentration of the marching members in the Plaza de la Creu, marching up to the Christian embassy located in the church square, and Moorish surrender, are other essential parts of these festivities.

Moors and cristians in Altea

The Moors and Christians parades are the most touristic part of the festivities and are celebrated on Saturday- and Monday night. A lot of music and color accompany the life of Altea during these days.

From September 21 to September 29, we can enjoy the festivities with events and parades for everyone.

For more information about the festivities read the program.


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